Nikto tu prezentaciu nevidel takze robit zaver z jednej fotky nebudem. Jediny kto moze byt dotknuty je Xavi kym sa on nevyjadri je tato debata zbytocna. Mozno by sa sam zasmial na tom.
co je na jednej fotke jasne? nevies co pri tom hovorili ani v akom tone sa to nieslo nevies o tom absolutne nic ale ides si robit zavery z jednej fotky vytrhnutej z kotextu. Presne pre toto funguju konspiracie vo svete lebo ludom nezlezi na tom co sa naozaj stalo ale staci im jedna sprosta fotka aby si sparvili svoj svetonazor. Ja si ho robit na zklade jednej fotky nebudem.
tak spravil som si teda vlastny prieskum a vysvitlo ze sa mu uz aj ospravedlnili a nebolo to myslene ako urazka ale ako potreba dobreho travnika vo futbale:
Apology issued
The initial report from SPORT suggested Turfcoach were responsible for laying the new turf at the Spotify Camp Nou.
However, in a statement on LinkedIn, the company has clarified that they are in no way working with the club while also issuing an apology if their image of Xavi caused any offence.
“We want to make it clear that Turfcoach does not work with FC Barcelona and that its intention has never been to ridicule Xavi Hernandez. If this is the case, and this has caused offence to him or his entourage, we apologise,” the statement said.
Turfcoach further highlighted that their intention to use Xavi’s image in their presentation was to share the former Barcelona manager’s message about the importance of grass and pitch in football.
“On the contrary, our intention was to prepare this presentation responsibly in order to support and share Xavi Hernandez’s message about the importance of grass in football.
“His attention to the state of the pitch demonstrates his commitment to the game at a high level, and we at Turfcoach share that vision.”
The statement also clarified that Barcelona were not informed about the slide that caused the controversy as it was a last-minute addition.
“We would also like to make it clear that the slide that caused the controversy was not previously shared with the club, but was added at the last minute.”
podalsie z toho co som sa docital tie memecka uz boli davno vytvorene nejakymi fanusiakmi realu.
Co s tym ma vedenie? Je to nemecka firma ktora robi travniky nie je s nami v ziadnom zmluvnom kontakte a ani sa take nic nechysta, akoze to ze tam boli pritomny aj zastupcovia barcelony alebo ze propagovali cely kongres znamena ze podpotruju aj tutuo jednu prezentaciu? Treba si precitat aj viac o tom nie len jednu fotku
Apology issued
The initial report from SPORT suggested Turfcoach were responsible for laying the new turf at the Spotify Camp Nou.
However, in a statement on LinkedIn, the company has clarified that they are in no way working with the club while also issuing an apology if their image of Xavi caused any offence.
“We want to make it clear that Turfcoach does not work with FC Barcelona and that its intention has never been to ridicule Xavi Hernandez. If this is the case, and this has caused offence to him or his entourage, we apologise,” the statement said.
Turfcoach further highlighted that their intention to use Xavi’s image in their presentation was to share the former Barcelona manager’s message about the importance of grass and pitch in football.
“On the contrary, our intention was to prepare this presentation responsibly in order to support and share Xavi Hernandez’s message about the importance of grass in football.
“His attention to the state of the pitch demonstrates his commitment to the game at a high level, and we at Turfcoach share that vision.”
The statement also clarified that Barcelona were not informed about the slide that caused the controversy as it was a last-minute addition.
“We would also like to make it clear that the slide that caused the controversy was not previously shared with the club, but was added at the last minute.”
podalsie z toho co som sa docital tie memecka uz boli davno vytvorene nejakymi fanusiakmi realu.